| Set Matter-1. | Report on the County’s Implementation of the People Experiencing Homelessness Missions | | 6 |
| 2. | Appointments to Commissions/Committees/Special Districts | | 12 |
| 3. | Motion to Establish a Reward in the Amount of $10,000 in the Investigation of the Murder of Lanai Ariyana Dees in the Unincorporated Area of West Athens on November 17, 2024, as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell. | | 15 |
| 4. | Motion to Proclaim April 2025 as “Sexual Assault Awareness Month,” April 27, 2025 as “Invincible Day,” and April 30, 2025 as “Denim Day” throughout Los Angeles County, as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell. | | 16 |
| 5. | Motion to Proclaim April 11 through 17, 2025 as “Black Maternal Health Week,” and April 16, 2025 as “The Day of the Black Infant” throughout Los Angeles County, as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell. | | 17 |
| 6. | Motion to Proclaim April 24, 2025 as “Take Our Young People to Work Day” throughout Los Angeles County; and instruct all Department Heads to take various actions in relation to Take Our Young People to Work Day, as submitted by Supervisor Horvath. | | 18 |
| 7. | Motion to Proclaim April as “Autism Acceptance Month” and April 2, 2025 as “World Autism Day” throughout Los Angeles County, as submitted by Supervisor Hahn. | | 19 |
| 8. | Motion to Proclaim April 2025 as “Armenian History Month” throughout Los Angeles County, as submitted by Supervisors Barger and Hahn. | | 21 |
| 9. | Motion to Proclaim April 2025 as “Child Abuse Prevention Month” throughout Los Angeles County, as submitted by Supervisor Barger. | | 22 |
| 10. | Motion to Proclaim April 6 through 12, 2025 as “National Crime Victims’ Rights Week” throughout Los Angeles County, as submitted by Supervisor Barger. | | 23 |
| 11. | Motion to Proclaim April 7 through 13, 2025 as “Public Health Week” throughout Los Angeles County, as submitted by Supervisor Barger. | | 24 |
| 12. | Motion to Proclaim April 2025 as “National Arab American Heritage Month” throughout Los Angeles County, as submitted by Supervisor Solis. | | 25 |
| 13. | Motion to Proclaim April 18, 2025 as “Home Visiting Day” throughout Los Angeles County, as submitted by Supervisor Solis. | | 27 |
| 14. | Motion for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Century Station Prayer Breakfast Parking Fee Waiver on May 1, 2025, in the Amount of $300, as submitted by Supervisor Hahn. | | 28 |
| 15. | Motion for the Eaton Fire-Impacted Musicians from Angeles Chorale Parking Fee Waiver for April 15, April 22, and April 29, 2025, at an Estimated Amount of $1,800, as submitted by Supervisor Barger. | | 29 |
| 16. | Motion for the Eaton Fire-Impacted Residents Attending Shrek The Musical JR. Parking Fee Waiver on April 17, 2025, at an Estimated Amount of $400, and on April 18, 2025, at an Estimated Amount of $10,000, as submitted by Supervisor Barger. | | 30 |
| 17. | Motion for the Operation Graduation Fee Waiver for June 12, 2025, for Rental Fees in the Amount of $6,500, and Parking Fees in the Amount of $3,000, as submitted by Supervisor Solis. | | 31 |
| 18. | Los Angeles County Homeless Services System Realignment | | 36 |
| 19. | Preventing Human Trafficking in the Wake of Natural Disasters | | 38 |
| 20. | Supporting Commercial Corridors as Community Anchors by Expanding the Commercial Acquisition Fund Program
| 1-D | 40 |
| 21. | Transparency in Planning During Probation’s Ongoing Crisis
| | 41 |
| 22. | Implementing the Blue Ribbon Commission on Homelessness Report Recommendation No. 1 (Establish a County Entity Dedicated to Homeless Service Delivery) and No. 3 (Streamlined LAHSA) | | 44 |
| 23. | Amendment to Option and Concession Agreements for Replacement Restaurant Project and Extension of Existing Concessionaire Agreement | | 46 |
| 24. | Renaming the San Gabriel Valley Aquatic Center | | 48 |
| 25. | Supporting Assembly Bill 1231 to Offer Diversion Programs and Services for Low-Level Non-Violent Felonies
| | 49 |
| 26. | Los Angeles County Embracing Neurodiversity in the Workplace and Creating Career Pathways for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities | | 51 |
| 27. | Reviewing Best Practices and Exploring the Creation of a Comprehensive Emergency Registry System for Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities in Los Angeles County | | 53 |
| 28. | Providing Court Reminders and Transportation Services for Justice-Impacted Youth through the Justice, Care and Opportunities Department's Justice Connect Support Center | | 55 |
| 29. | Implementing Consultant Recommendations to Enhance the County's Oversight of Skilled Nursing Facilities | | 57 |
| 30. | Authorize the Los Angeles County Development Authority to Act as an Agent of the County in Participating in and Implementing the Homekey+ Program
| 2-D | 59 |
| 31. | MacLaren Esperanza Village Project Supplemental Funding
| 3-D | 62 |
| 32. | Proclaiming the Month of April as “Arts Month” and Recognition of the Grand Avenue Cultural District | | 64 |
| 33. | Staffing Contract Amendments | | 69 |
| 34. | Recommendation to Continue Proclaimed Local Emergencies | | 71 |
| 35. | Recruitment, Retention and Support Services Contract | | 75 |
| 36. | Armed Security Guard Services Sole Source Contract Amendments | | 77 |
| 37. | Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Sole Source Contract | | 81 |
| 38. | Laboratory and Clinic Equipment and Medical Device Maintenance, Calibration, and Repair Services Contract | | 83 |
| 39. | Exclusive Negotiation Agreement | | 87 |
| 40. | Castaic Lake State Recreation Area Overlook Picnic Area Share Shelters Replacement and Frank G. Bonelli Regional Park North Shore Picnic Shelters Replacement Projects | | 89 |
| 41. | Athens Park Swimming Pool Renovation Capital Project | | 90 |
| 42. | Landscape Maintenance Services Contract | | 92 |
| 43. | Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Pathology Laboratory Equipment Replacement and Kitchen Grille Evaporative Cooler Replacement Projects | | 94 |
| 44. | Report on the Progress of Closing Men’s Central Jail | | 98 |
| 45. | Reports on the First Responder Protocol and Advocacy Services for Commercially Sexually Exploited Children | | 99 |
| 46. | Pierce Enforcer Triple Combination Engines Acquisition | | 101 |
| 47. | Sports League Program Sole Source Contract | | 102 |
| 48. | Special Appropriation Fund Transfer
| | 104 |
| 49. | County Code, Title 4 - Revenue and Finance Ordinance Amendment | | 108 |
| 50. | County Code, Title 6 - Salaries Ordinance Amendment
| | 109 |
| 51. | Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Jesus Avitia, et al. v. County of Los Angeles, et al. | | 113 |
| 52. | Mountain View School District Levying of Taxes | | 114 |
| 53. | Redondo Beach Unified School District Levying of Taxes | | 116 |
| 57. | Issuance and Sale of General Obligation Bonds | | 126 |
| 1-D. | Supporting Commercial Corridors as Community Anchors by Expanding the Commercial Acquisition Fund Program
| 20 | 131 |
| 2-D. | Authorize the Los Angeles County Development Authority to Act as an Agent of the County in Participating in and Implementing the Homekey+ Program
| 30 | 133 |
| 3-D. | MacLaren Esperanza Village Project Supplemental Funding
| 31 | 135 |
| 4-D. | Environmental Documentation Consulting Services Contract Amendment | | 137 |
| 5-D. | Comprehensive Agency-Wide Classification and Compensation Plan | | 139 |
| | 143 |
| | 144 |
| Public Comment | | | 999 |